
Personal Side Project

Probien (Pawn shop) - Backend Microservices

Lets see the roles into the application and what they can do.



  • - Can do multiple pawns, their stuff are evaluated and classified by a category product when a quote is realized.
  • - Can do endorsements depending on payment modality (weekly or monthly).
  • - The Customer has an extension date of payment depending on the modality
  • ° Weekly: 1 extra day to make the payment
  • ° Monthly: 3 extra days to make the payment



  • - Can manage the category of products.
  • - Can do pawn orders to customers as well as do endorsements.
  • - Can manage the status of pawn orders (in course, overdue, paid or lost).
  • Note: When a customer doesn't make any endorsement after the deadline, all the client's things become property of probien..


Manager | Administrator

  • - Can see all occurred logs into application (sessions, movements and payments).
  • - Can see detailed reports by branch office (money recorded, total products, employee statistics, etc).
  • - Can manage user access, create new branches, create new employees and create new category products.
Service 1 (Core business logic)
Microservice 2 Serverless (Notifications & Recovery Password)
Microservice 3 (Employee payments)
Microservice 4 (Reports)